Atlanta, GA 2/6/2008 10:05:43 PM
News / Kids

Eight Month Old Baby Thrown from Third Floor Window

A fire broke out in Ludwigshafen leaving Kamil Kaplan, 32, no choice but to release his 8 month old nephew, Onur Calar, from a window on the third floor.

“I saw the cop with his arms outstretched holding his jacket like a safety net.  I looked him in the eyes and he looked at me as if to say ‘go for it.’  I kissed Onur one last time and then I let him fall,” says Kaplan.

Miraculously the baby was caught by the officer and was completely unharmed.

Kaplan and his daughter escaped, however, Onur’s aunt, his two year old brother Ilyas and two cousins were some of the nine killed in the fire.  He will be cared for by his uncle Erdal Calar while his parents recover in the hospital.

Officials suspect that the fire was a racist attack against the Turkish.  The Turkish residents were in the building watching a street festival.

60 people were wounded in the fire.  There are reports of two children surviving the incident by hiding behind a sofa.

Rene Werse, 43, was the passerby who took the pictures of the falling boy that have been circulating the news worldwide.  She was quoted saying, “I saw things that I shall never forget.  There were people on their balconies and at their window, screaming to get out.  It was hell.”