The current mortgage crunch is in place because of extremely lenient lending practices aimed at people that probably could not afford to be buying in the first place. Investors on Wall Street who bought these loans were also highly leveraged and contributed to the collapse as the variable rates increased.
However, if you work with a strong company, there are some historically low mortage rates available now that present a great opportunity. A respected private mortgage broker, Andrew Runnion of The Private Capital Group can assist you. His firm did not participate in the subprime lending practices and has always followed underwriting guidelines that make sense for him and his clients. The Private Capital Group headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia has strong relationships with the healthiest investors in the industry. As many in the mortgage banking and brokerage business were forced to close, Andrew’s firm met with each of its investors and today the relationships are stronger than ever. Contact Andrew Runnion at 404-504-8824 or email him at and he’ll assist you in securing loans from $250,000 up to $8 million for waterfront vacation homes, highrise condos on the water, or construction to permanent financing if you plan on building your dream home on the waterfront.
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