Atlanta, GA 2/8/2008 7:54:56 AM
News / Law

Ohio Shooting Suspect Commits Suicide

The man responsible for shooting his school teacher wife Christi Layne in her classroom Thursday was found dead in his home after shooting himself. William Michael Layne entered his wife’s fifth grade classroom in Portsmouth, Ohio this morning and shot her before stabbing her as her students looked on.

He then fled the building and holed up in a home two miles from the elementary school. A SWAT team surrounded the home. Layne, 56, was found in the garage behind his home with a gunshot wound to the head.


Before Layne reached Notre Dame Elementary, he stabbed 22-year-old Stephanie Loop in an alley five blocks from the school. It is unclear if Loop knew Christi. Both Loop and Christi are in critical condition.


The teacher had filed for divorce January 25. Authorities say two weeks ago police were involved in a domestic dispute between the couple.


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