Atlanta, Ga. 2/12/2008 4:06:46 AM
News / Law

Bobby Cutts Jr. Takes Stand in Murder Trial, Facing Death Penalty

The murder trial of Bobby Cutts Jr. took a surprising turn on Monday when the former Canton, Ohio police officer was called to the stand to testify in a case that could result in his death.


Sobbing throughout his testimony, Cutts detailed the events that led to the death of his pregnant lover Jesse Marie Davis. According to Cutts he had been in an argument with Davis when he inadvertently struck her in the throat with his elbow. Davis went down and Cutts realized that she was no longer breathing.


After failing to find a pulse he then tried to revive her with bleach but there was no response.  He then wrapped her body in a comforter, placed the body in the back of his truck and dumped the body in a field.


It would be nine days before Davis was discovered and that was only when Cutts lead authorities to the location.


Cutts has pled not guilty to aggravated murder in the case, if found guilty he could face the death penalty.


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