Fort Lauderdale, FL 5/21/2010 4:50:34 AM
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Law officials promoting stricter immigration laws

Immigration Lawyers Prosper

LANSING – A history of government inaction has caused a spike in the arrival of illegal immigrants in Lansing, Michigan. Controversy has sparked after new, stricter laws against immigration have been enacted in Arizona. State officials in Michigan are wondering if the need to impose greater immigration regulations is necessary. Concerns were voiced during a rally that took place on Tuesday afternoon at the state Capitol. The rally addressed the possibility of enacting a law that requires employers on public contracts to verify that their employees are legal residents of the United States and which also puts a stop on cities and smaller counties from creating “sanctuary city policies” that disable law enforcement officers from being able to enforce immigration laws.


 The need for immigration lawyers is growing at a rapid pace. There is a resurgence of immigrants migrating into U.S. soil, leading to increased burdens on the education system and healthcare within Lansing. While numerous rallies and civilian protests have occurred, government sentiment appears to be undeterred. State Rep. Eileen Kowall, R-White Lake Township, took note of the situation and stated that the government is "shirking its duty" when it comes to current immigration policies. While angry immigrants and protestors continue to rally, the government has not yet made any attempt to appease the masses by scheduling any hearings or voting on immigration-related issues.


Some local government officials, like Rep. David Agema, R-Grandville, favor legal immigration and believe that it contributes to the overall strength of the state, as well as the entire nation. However, he believes that it is the illegal immigrants that raise concern. Agema, one of the main proponents of stricter immigration rules, notes that “illegal immigrants mean fewer jobs,” making it harder for legal immigrants, and U.S. citizens moreover, to find work. State laws are cracking down on the legitimacy and legality at the workplace in hopes of reducing the threat that illegal immigrants pose to the state.


While current regulations in Arizona that allow police to enforce immigration laws are leading to concerns over racial profiling, Michigan is struggling to find a course of action that will promote legitimacy within the immigration community while not leading to accusations of discrimination. Top immigration lawyers have been called into action to defend both illegal immigrants and state regulations, but the number of illegal immigrants in Lansing continues to rise.