Houston, TX 5/21/2010 9:18:29 PM
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Medical Research Study Shows DHEA Supplementation Reduces Abdominal Fat

Medical Research Study Shows DHEA Supplementation Reduces Abdominal Fat

Research studies continue to reveal more health advantages of DHEA with no dangerous side effects. DHEA has been known of for years, but not used properly. Twist 25 DHEA supplement cream delivers the health advantages to people 35 and up by providing DHEA the right way - as a tested bioidentical transdermal cream. The cream is the secret. Twist 25 DHEA supplement cream is the best DHEA source you can get.


DHEA is the most abundant natural base or building block for hormones in our bodies. We gradually make more and more DHEA until about age 25; then we progressively produce less and less as time passes. By age 35, the right DHEA supplement can provide noticeable advantages to help us look and feel great and diminish many aspect of aging.


DHEA has been shown to reduce abdominal fat in men and women with age-related decreases in DHEA levels according to a study appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The study conducted at the Washington University School of Medicine found that DHEA replacement therapy induced significant decreases in both visceral fat (within the abdomen) and subcutaneous fat (below the skin) in men and women. Another benefit found in the study was significant improvement in insulin sensitivity that correlated with the reduction of abdominal fat.


Twist 25 DHEA supplement cream speaks for itself. Use it every day for a few weeks and experience the benefits yourself.


Rub in 1-2 pump presses of twist cream every day on thin skin areas. It rubs in nicely; is not greasy or grainy, and leaves no odor. It is gently absorbed through the skin over the next few hours.


Medical research shows why Twist 25 cream works so well. Most DHEA is actually made and used by the body in the skin. This is why Twist 25 works so well while oral DHEA supplements are minimally effective. Twist 25 cream provides what the body produces where the body uses it.


Twist 25 helps people live happier healthier lives in so many ways because it is a natural base building block for hormones. Hormones drive so many aspects of our lives - how we feel, how productive we are, how we interact with others, and more.


Twist 25 cream helps users:

-Have more energy

-Get lean and fit

-Think more clearly

-Enjoy better moods

-Have improved sense of well-being, vitality, vigor

-Enhance sex drive

-Sleep better at night


To learn more about Twist 25 DHEA cream or order online go to: www.twist25.com/


¹ Effect of DHEA on Abdominal Fat and Insulin Action in Elderly Women and Men http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/292/18/2243