Atlanta, GA 2/14/2008 1:07:38 AM
News / Law

Deputies Suspended After Dumping Brian Sterner Out of Wheelchair

Four Florida deputies have been suspended after deliberately “dumping” Brian Sterner, 32, out of his wheelchair in order to search him. Sterner has been a quadriplegic since an accident in 1994. He has no feeling below the sternum and only partial use of his arms.

Sterner was arrested at his home on a driving violation warrant. Sterner has been unable to drive since the accident. He was taken to the booking office at Hillsborough County jail where officers told him to stand up so they could search him.


When Sterner was unable to stand, Deputy Charlette Marshall Jones tipped his wheelchair over causing Sterner to fall hard on the floor. Another officer helped roll him over and search all of his pockets. They then attempted to put Sterner back in his wheelchair and when they were unable to do so, they called two other deputies over to help.


Sterner said Deputy Jones “was irked that I wasn’t complying to what she was telling me to do.” “It didn’t register with her that she was asking me to do something I cant do,” added Sterner.


The entire incident was caught on a surveillance tape. Jones was suspended without pay while the three other officers, Gary Hinson, Steven Dickey, and Decondra Williams, have been put on administrative leave until the investigation is completed.


“The actions are indefensible at every level. Based on what I saw, anything short of dismissal would be inappropriate,” said Chief deputy Jose Docobo.


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