Submit your URL to Finditt and be indexed in the Directory
Submit your url free to the Finditt Search Engine Directory Listings.
Website webmasters can now add their url to the Finditt Directory. The Finditt Directory provides webmaster to add their url in the category that best matches the website being submitted.
Websites submitted to the Finditt Directory can add a title along with a description of the site being submitted.
Categories are broken down by main categories and followed by sub categories. Individuals submitting website urls need to select a main category and then go to the sub category that best matches their site.
Here are some of the categories you can list your website to. Finditt does not charge for directory submission.
Arts and Humanities, Brokerage Firms, Business, Collectibles, Computers and Internet, Education, Entertainment, Fitness and Music along with other popular categories.
Please click on the category below allow the window to open and select add url in the top right corner of the page.
To submit your website to the Finditt Directory please visit: