Atlanta, GA 2/15/2008 3:32:43 AM
News / Law

Adrienne Shelly Killer Diego Pillco Pleads Guilty

Diego Pillco pleaded guilty to the 2006 murder of actress and filmmaker Adrienne Shelly, 40. The construction worker, who was 19 at the time of the murder, admitted that he strangled Shelly after attempting to rob her. After killing her, Pillco hung her to make it appear as is she committed suicide.

Only days after Shelly’s body was found in her Greenwich Village apartment, Pillco was arrested. He will reportedly be sentenced to 25 years in prison on March 6.


Shelly’s last film was ‘Waitress.’ She wrote and directed the film, which received good reviews. She had a leading role alongside Keri Russell, Cheryl Hines and Andy Griffith.


Shelly was married to Andy Ostroy. They had a daughter Sophie, who was 3 at the time of Shelly’s death.


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