North Carolina NC, 2/16/2008 7:49:52 AM
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North Carolina Divorce Attorneys - devoted solely to domestic relations

Helping their clients through difficult times - Call: 877.834.8488

Divorce matters take toll on ones emotional and financial status. Gailor, Wallis & Hunt PLLC, experts in divorce and family laws help the couples to go through the stressful period with less pain and anguish. Adhering to the divorce laws set forth in North Carolina, the experienced divorce lawyers handle each aspect of the case minimizing its impact on their clients.

NC divorce firm, Gailor, Wallis & Hunt PLLC, digs deeper than divorce on issues like child custody, support, alimony, equitable distribution surrounding divorce. Any act committed by a spouse during the marriage that might lead to civil cause of action or might call for compensatory or punitive damages. Such acts include domestic violence, fraud, physical abuse, alienation of affection, criminal conversation, penalties and interests for both spouses, misrepresentation of income and/or deduction by one spouse resulting in additional tax etc.

The NC family law firm is noted for its caring service for its clients. Gailor, Wallis & Hunt PLLC is well known as the most accomplished NC divorce law firm. These NC divorce lawyers are best known for their following practice areas:

- Absolute Divorce
- Divorce from Bed and Board
- Child custody
- Child Support
- Equitable Distribution
- Paternity
- Alimony
- Domestic Violence
- Post separation support
- Domestic Trots
- International Abduction
- Separation and Property Settlement agreements
- Premarital and Pre-union agreements
- Guardianship
- Adoptions

North Carolina Divorce Lawyer - Carol S. Gailor has since 1978 practiced family law litigation. Till 1994 she practiced as a litigation partner with Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge and Rice. In the year 1994 she established her own law firm where she continued practicing in divorce and family laws, the divorce lawyers firm that is today known as Gailor, Wallis & Hunt PLLC.

The North Carolina divorce lawyers in their website tell the people “In the area of divorce, we’re noted for our expertise in resolving complex business and financial issues for clients with substantial assets. Our experience allows us to successfully contest or defend complex business valuations at trial or resolve these issues in arbitrations either as an arbitrator or client representative.”

Gailor, Wallis & Hunt PLLC are the best divorce and family law attorneys in North Carolina who have committed themselves to helping their clients through difficult times.

For more information on North Carolina divorce attorneys visit: Gailor, Wallis & Hunt Web Site: