While the word “chronic” suggested repeated behavior, many times those who operate an alcohol rehabilitation program may not consider a person’s consuming alcohol after having gone through a recovery process as relapse, and certain not chronic relapse. Rather, they see it as a lapse. They consider this especially true if the episode does not lead to a re-occurrence of the addictive behavior that was present before one went into an alcohol rehab center.
Unfortunately, many recovering alcoholics see even succumbing to the temptation to take just one drink of alcohol as a relapse, and may use that to convince themselves that their time in the addiction treatment center was a waste. This is not necessarily true, and those who work with recovering alcoholics try very hard to make sure that the person does not believe that.
It is also important for patients to know that relapses can occur suddenly or they can actually be building up over a matter of weeks. In the first instance, a social event or even seeing something that triggered a memory, good or bad, that reminded one of the days when he was drinking can cause an immediate relapse. Others may actually realize that something is not right, but might not recognize the signs and feelings as precursors to relapse. Staff members who conduct a good alcohol rehabilitation program will help a person become more aware of these feelings and provide guidance and support so that the relapse does not occur.
There are several things which can trigger the risk for relapse. One of the strongest of these is stress. Even though a person may have learned techniques for alleviating or diminishing stress in an addiction treatment center, once he is back out in the “real world”, the pressures may seem to be overwhelming. It is at this time that support groups such as AA or practicing those stress-reducing techniques can help alleviate a relapse episode.
If relapse does occur, it is very important that the recovering addict seek immediate help. Finding an alcohol rehab center that does provide relapse treatment (some of them do not) should be done as soon as possible. With the help of the caring staff members, a person can recover from the relapse and made to see that relapse does not mean total, complete failure.
http://www.drugrehabcenter.com will provide information on an addiction treatment center that provides relapse treatment. You can also obtain information by calling 1-866-559-9503.