Denver, CO 2/18/2008 9:05:42 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Offers Traumatic Brain Injury Victims Information on New Interview Technique To Restore Long-Term Memory After An Accident, the number one resource for everything legal on the Internet, recently discovered a scientific study evaluating a memory retrieval technique to help individuals suffering from memory impairment because of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). The study, which was lead by Larry R. Squire a professor of psychiatry, neurosciences and psychology, found that a new technique known as autobiographic interview helped restore brain-damaged victim's memory, according to news reports. Squire, with his team of scientists at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, found that very long-term memory remains intact even after an injury damages the hippocampus and memory lobe. He found that through this new traumatic brain injury treatment., TBI victims were able to uncover detailed moments from their past, which had been "hidden away" because of a brain injury accident.

TBI is a very serious condition affecting approximately 1.4 million Americans each year, according to the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA). Individuals suffering from TBI can be plagued by a number of debilitating symptoms including a decrease in functioning social skills, memory loss, hearing and visual impairments and paralysis. Victims suffering from any of these due to TBI should contact an attorney and learn about the potential for a
brain injury lawsuit, which can provide compensation for a traumatic brain injury.

Reports on Dr. Squire's new study have noted that the method is still considered controversial by some because of the memory recollections that are retrieved as well as the question and answer process of retrieval. As more information surfaces on this and other TBI treatments, LegalView will continue to post news on its brain injury information portal. Also use the TBI portal to learn more about jury verdicts and the latest
brain injury lawsuits or to help find a traumatic brain injury attorney.

LegalView continues to offer the latest news on a variety of treatments for medical issues affecting Americans such as mesothelioma and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF). Additionally, LegalView offers information on prescription drugs such as Chantix, which is a smoking cessation medication that has recently been linked to suicidal tendencies among patients. In addition to suicidal tendencies,
Chantix side effects can include depression, erratic behavior and psychotic episodes. Contact a Chantix law firm for more information on the drug.

Mesothelioma is a deadly lung cancer that is caused through the inhalation of asbestos fibers and dust. Asbestos has been used in the construction of many structures including schools and homes, as well as materials like vinyl flooring. Victims of mesothelioma usually are unaware of their illness until it is too late as mesothelioma is not only often misdiagnosed, but incurable as well. To learn more about
mesothelioma treatments visit

NSF is a rare and debilitating skin disease that can cause a victim to lose mobility in their arms and legs as the skin begins to thicken and swell. Often the skin hardens around joints and thus a victim cannot function on their own. While medical professionals are still determining an exact cause of NSF, it has been highly associated with kidney disease patients who receive gadolinium dye during testing. It is imperative that victims of this illness protect themselves from any further harm by not only receiving medical assistance, but by contacting an experienced
NSF lawyer to learn about potential compensation that may be available.

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