West Hills, CA 2/19/2008 4:08:34 AM
News / Education

Prison Consulting provided by American Prison Consultant Larry Levine, FedTime101 Program Developer

Clear Channel Communications KOA 850 Denver, Colorado features Feb. 15, 2008, interview of former federal inmate and expert Prison Consultant Larry Levine, who has previously provided prison insight to the Houston Chronicle and El Paso Times.

Prison Consulting prior to sentencing is critical for federal inmates. Larry Levine is a prison consultant at American Prison Consultants.

"Doing time" and "white collar crime" have become synonymous with the likes of the diva of home decorating and entertaining, Martha Stewart, and big business failure, Enron, to very nearly becoming common household phrases - or at the very least, the terms have crept into the vocabulary of mainstream America and of American Prison Consultants' Founder Larry Jay Levine.

"Those who've crossed the line and are facing Federal Prison normally put their faith and trust in the 'suits' - their lawyers, but the only problem is, these guys don't have a clue what happens once you hit a prison yard," said Levine. "The American Prison Consultants' FedTime101 Prison Survival Crash Course provides insight into the unwritten laws of the Federal Prison System and its caretakers, and shows offenders how and where to gain access to the resources and knowledge to deal with issues from on the inside."

>From regulations to classifications, Levine peppers his clients about life in the federal prison system with experience that could only have come from being there - and he has been, across all levels: high, medium, low and minimum security. He applies that experience in his FedTime101 program to prepare offenders in surviving the rigors of prison life, and he studies each criminal case in minute detail to identify errors made by prosecutors, defense attorneys and judges, and finds legal loopholes that could warrant sentence reductions down the road.

As a recognized authority on the federal prison and criminal justice system, federal defense lawyers frequently retain Levine to review criminal complaints, indictments, discovery, plea agreements and other motions, and for his assistance in dealing with custody related issues.

"I prepare people to go inside, and I teach them the ropes of entering custody and what to expect from the day they go inside until the day they're released," stated Levine. "The FedTime101 program goes beyond providing information - I work to attain sentence reductions by utilizing Federal Bureau of Prison Programs and for people who have addiction issues, and assist people in qualifying to enter the BOP's Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP)."

Offenders inside the Federal Prison System who've had their civil rights violated by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) find an ally in Levine, as he connects them with appropriate BOP policies so they can receive their entitlements.

Levine knows the difference between "Club Fed," where the reputation of cushioned incarceration provides more leniency to inmates, and "Club Dread," where hardened criminals convicted of heinous crime may be mixed in with the general population. "When it comes down to it, there's nothing I don't know about the B.O.P. People need to realize that once you step inside, life as you know it is over, and you're on your own!" concluded Levine.

To arrange for an interview, or for high resolution photos and more information about Larry Levine and the FedTime101 Program, call 888.558.2151 or visit http://www.americanprisonconsultants.com.


Larry Levine
American Prison Consultants
P.O. Box 5111
West Hills, CA 91308

PHONE. 888-558-2151
