Atlanta, GA 2/20/2008 4:56:50 AM
News / Education

Allenna Ward Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison For Sex With Teens

Former Bell Street Middle School teacher Allenna Ward was sentenced to prison on Tuesday for having sex with 5 teenage boys, some of the students at her school. The 24-year-old pleaded guilty in September to three counts of second degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor and three lewd acts on a minor.

Ward was sentenced to 15 years in prison to each lewd act. She was sentenced to 6 years for each count of criminal sexual conduct. Her time for each lewd act was suspended to 6 years. Ward’s sentences will run concurrently.


“I apologize from the depths of my heart,” Ward said.


Police began investigating Ward last year when a note was found that the South Carolina teacher sent to one of the boys. Authorities say Ward met the teens, all 14 and 15 year olds, at the school, at a motel, a park and behind a restaurant.


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