Have you ever considered using your free AT&T phones, free Blackberry AT&T phones, free Samsung AT&T phones in shopping for a nonprofit health clinic so you can sleep better at night and not worry about dying of a heart attack.
In this article we cover two different health clinics that you can join; one of them located in Cleveland, Ohio and the other one located in Toronto, Canada.
Using your free AT&T phone, you can call up the toll-free number and ask questions regarding the preventative medical care that you will receive. This can be an affordable option for many people if they don't have $1500 of month to put towards a health-insurance plan.
Dial Away To The Cleveland clinic
- The price range to belong to this nonprofit health clinic ranges between $2250-$2500 annually. This is called an executive medical program. If you're a Canadian in reading this, you can also join this executive medical program but if the clinic decide to send you to Cleveland you will need to also add in extra travel charges and hotel costs.
- What do you get when you paid the $2500 a year?
and You receive a 5 1/2 hour medical risk assessment which includes heart disease and cancers.
- what are the wait times?
You may have to wait one to three days for specialists in the same day virtual second opinion service with the US specialists. Virtual means that you would have a telephone conference with the specialist
- are there any extras?
Even though I'm talking about Canada, if you live in the United States you can look up the Cleveland clinic and learn about what extras you can't when you become a member. However if you are living in Ontario, Canada the Ministry of health will pay for gastric bypass surgery at its Toronto and Ohio locations. This is only valid for members who live in Ontario and who qualify.
Dial Away To The Medcan Clinic for Canadians only
- The price range to belong to this health clinic ranges between $2295 for the first year's membership fee. And then the annual renewal fee is only $1895.
- What do you get when you paid the $1895 a year?
You receive a comprehensive medical risk assessment which includes; but work, an ultrasound, an electrode cardiogram, a mammogram, hearing /vision test as well as a fitness and nutrition testing.
- what are the wait times?
You may have to wait up to one week for on-site specialists and up to a month for an off-site medical expert.
- are there any extras?
You get something called a mole mapping and VISIA complexion assessment. If you travel a lot this may be ideal because you also receive 24 x 7 phone advice and medical support anywhere around for free.
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