Atlanta, GA 2/23/2008 12:58:37 AM
News / Law

Death of Drew Peterson Wife Ruled Homicide

The death of former police Sgt. Drew Peterson’s third wife Kathleen Savio has been ruled a homicide. Savio’s case was initially ruled an accidental death as she was found drowned in her bathtub in 2004.

Amid the disappearance of Peterson’s fourth wife Stacey Peterson, investigators reopened Savio’s case last November. Her body was exhumed and Will County state attorney James Glasgow says authorities have enough evidence to determine the Savio’s death is a homicide.


“We have been investigation this as a murder since reopening the case in November of last year,” Glasgow said Thursday. “We now have a scientific basis to formally and publicly classify it as such.”


Suspicion over Stacy’s disappearance last October prompted Savio’s case to be reopened. Savio’s new autopsy results has left Stacy’s family with “an eerie feeling of dread” as both of the women “had one common denominator, and that’s Drew Peterson,” said a spokeswoman for Stacy’s family Pam Bosco.


Peterson, 53, has been named an official suspect in Stacey’s disappearance. The former Illinois police officer insists he had nothing to do with it and claims his 23-year-old wife ran off with another man. Stacy’s family insists that she would not leave her and Drew’s two young children behind.


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