CHICAGO, Illinois 6/2/2010 7:22:39 AM
News / Law

Puerto Rican-born man accuses immigration officials of racial profiling

Immigration Lawyer

Eduardo Caraballo, 32, has recently accused federal immigration agents of racial profiling after being arrested.

Caraballo, a recruiter for his family-owned cosmetology school, was arrested on May 18 after police found a stolen car in his possession. Caraballo claims the car belonged to a friend for whom he was doing the favor of offering a place for the car to be stored.

When interrogated by Customs, Caraballo claimed that his arresting police officer took him into custody because he appeared to be an immigrant due to his Spanish accent.  "She did not believe I was Puerto Rican because of the way I look and the way I talk," he noted.

Two days later, Caraballo’s mother, Patricia Caraballo, a Mexican immigrant, attempted to bail him out of jail but law enforcement officers would not allow it because there was a problem involving immigration restrictions.

After providing immigration authorities with her son’s birth certificate to prove he was indeed born in Puerto Rico, authorities asked Caraballo to describe his life in his native country but did not believe his explanations.

Caraballo explained that he hasn’t been to Puerto Rico since he was 18 years old and considers the United States his home. "I don't really like Puerto Rico -- or Mexico. I like Chicago. I was raised here," he declared.

After a few days in custody, he was released on May 31. A frustrated Caraballo attributes discrimination as the cause of the delay in his release.

Caraballo isn’t the only one who believes that racial profiling is to blame for the arrest. Immigration lawyer, Chris Bergin sided with Caraballo’s cause and is debating whether to take legal action on his behalf.

Bergin believes that the current immigration system is skewed and targets Latinos in particular. “The burden of proof now is on them [immigrants] to prove that they are legal, that they are citizens. ... That is not what America is about."

The need for immigrants, whether legal or not, to obtain legal counsel is increasing by the day. With new laws coming into play that are creating stricter environments for immigrants, having an immigration lawyer to help is becoming a crucial component for immigrants living in the United States.

A common problem for immigrants is the language barrier. Many may not understand the laws in the country and are being exploited without even realizing their rights. Having an immigration lawyer to represent them may be their one fighting chance in the on-going battle between citizens and immigrants.