Atlanta, Ga. 2/29/2008 12:13:45 AM
News / Law

Amber Alert Issued for Arizona Toddler

Arizona Police have issued an Amber Alert on Thursday morning for a 20-month-old toddler who was believed to be kidnapped by his babysitter.


Michael Wolfe was under the care of 15-year-old Amanda Rainey when the girl was spotted getting in a tan late-model Chevy pickup truck. Rainey had been hired off the popular classified listing site Craig’s List after disclosing her age as 19.


The toddler’s father is a single parent who had left his son in Rainey’s care while he went to an appointment. When he returned home he found that all of his son’s toys and clothes were missing.


According to reports Rainey was a runaway who is believed to be a known drug user.


Michael Wolfe is described as Asian and White with brown hair.


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