The key to any successful drug rehab program is flexibility, both in treatment options and implementation. What works for one client may not work for another, and G&G Holistic Drug Rehab is aware of this. That is why the staff is constantly looking for new treatment options.
In January, 2009, G&G Holistic Drug Rehab began using mild hyperbarics as part of the rehab program. In mild hyperbarics treatment, the client is placed in a pressurized chamber, much like the one used to treat underwater divers suffering from nitrogen narcosis or “the bends." Oxygen is then pumped into the chamber at a pressure level that is slightly higher than normal atmospheric pressure (room air, in other words).
Using hyberbarics in this manner allows body tissue, including that found in the brain, to either heal or be restored to a functioning level. When G&G Holistic Drug Rehab started using it in their rehab programs, they found that some of the effects included the promotion of new blood vessel growth, and the decreasing of swelling and inflammation. Further, using hyberbarics also caused toxins in the body to be deactivated and released from the body.
Clients who come into G&G Holistic Drug Rehab will be offered hyberbarics as part of their drug rehab program. If they decide to participate in this treatment protocol, they can be assured that it will be administered by personnel who have been well-trained in this procedure. Our clients can feel confident about this treatment, knowing that if we did not think it was safe, we would not use it.
For more information on hyberbarics and other treatment options in G&G Holistic Drug Rehab programs, please visit our website at or call 1-800-559-9503. We want to help you and your loved ones in your fight against drug and alcohol addiction.