Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 6/4/2010 4:23:49 AM
News / Law

Woman attempts to file lawsuit after husband dies due to medical malpractice

Accident Attorney article

SAN ANTONIO, Texas  The wife of a deceased military man is attempting to file a wrongful death/medical malpractice lawsuit against the health practitioners who made a fatal error after a surgical procedure, leading to his death.

Alexis Witt is in the midst of a large lawsuit over the wrongful death of her late husband, Dean Witt.  Dean was working as staff sergeant at Travis Air Force Base when he was reported to have experienced severe stomach pains. Dean went to David Grant USAF Medical Center for further examination and then called Alexis to let her know what was happening.

A shocked Alexis recounts the awkward phone call from her husband. “He gave me a call and said, I’m at the hospital. They found out what’s wrong. It’s appendicitis. I’m going into surgery. I’ll give you a call when I get out.”

Shortly after the surgery, Alexis was contacted by hospital staff who told her that everything went well and that Dean was in recovery. However, about 12 hours after the initial phone call, Alexis was contacted once again. This time, by a secretary from the hospital asking her to fax papers over to the hospital so as to have Dean medically retired from the Air Force.

At this point, Alexis was told that it was unlikely that Dean would make it through the night. The secretary informed her that after the surgery was completed, Dean was in the process of being taken to recovery when he stopped breathing. Medical professionals attempted to revive him but he did not respond.

At this point, a nurse anesthetist was reported to have attempted to intubate Dean but inserted the tube into his esophagus by mistake. This caused oxygen to be pumped into his stomach instead of his lungs and left him without air for almost ten minutes and with brain damage.

Alexis decided to remove him from life support at this point. 

Under a law known as the Feres Doctrine, the hospital where Dean was treated is protected by the Supreme Court, leaving medical practitioners to be unaccountable for their actions.

Outraged, Alexis contested the Doctrine and petitioned the 9th Circuit Federal Court in San Francisco but her case was denied because the Doctrine is upheld under Supreme Court law.

Along with her accident attorney, Alex is going to attempt to repetition the court. If this fails once again, she is going to petition the Supreme Court.

Even with a top accident attorney representing her, the battle over the lawsuit is going to be a tough one for Alexis. Word on whether her second petition was accepted has yet to be announced.