Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 6/4/2010 4:28:28 AM
News / Law

Choosing the right DUI lawyer

Choose wisely

Finding a top DUI lawyer to help you fight your infraction is crucial. With so many attorneys to choose from, how can you tell which one is best for you? First of all, look for a DUI lawyer that specializes in the field.  Many attorneys dabble in different areas of law without having a main focus. By choosing a specialist in DUI law, you will guarantee yourself  a much better outcome by having an expert represent you legally.


It is equally important to select a DUI lawyer that has a good amount of experience. Beware of fraudulent sites promoting false attorneys or amateur legal professionals. A DUI case is one of the hardest to beat and there are many intricate details involved in securing a positive outcome for your claim. Choose a DUI lawyer that makes his or her credentials available publicly and see if any of their cases are similar to yours. You will want to opt with a DUI lawyer that has had great success and accolades in the business.


Lastly, when selecting a DUI lawyer, make sure they are fully certified and insured. You don’t want to end up with someone who doesn’t even have a law degree. All professional lawyers display their titles and are available to answer any questions you might have before settling down with one in particular. Beware of the attorneys that don’t want to give you any information about themselves or their practice. This is usually a red flag for disaster. You might end up involved in another legal ordeal on top of your DUI if you choose a fraudulent person to represent you.


By following these tips, finding a top DUI lawyer will be easy. Start by searching near your area of residence and expand your search throughout the state. Many DUI lawyers offer free initial consultations. Make various appointments so you have a good selection of lawyers to choose from.