If you haven't see the Glen Gary Glen Ross video lately, here's a recap of some of the best parts of the speech given by Alec Baldwin in the Glen Gary Glen Ross monologue part of the movie:
Glen Gary Glen Ross quote #1: "Put that coffee down. Coffee is for closers."
Glen Gary Glen Ross quote #2: "A.B.C. Always be closing."
Glen Gary Glen Ross quote #3: "You see these leads? These leads are not for you. These leads are for closers."
If you've ever been, or are now, dependent on leads for your business to thrive, then you know how important getting those really good leads, as he talks about in the end of the Glen Gary Glen Ross clip, can be.
For the past 3 years, I've been in the business of generating those kind of leads - theGlen Gary Glen Ross leads - by the thousands, and the cool thing is, most of it happens when I'm asleep, or out on the road, or not even looking at my computer.
And then I sell to those leads - to the tune of 3 million (and up) a year. Here's how it works.
I set up a system that essentially goes out and puts little lead generators out on the internet, that brings very targeted prospects in and gets them to voluntarily give me their name and email so that I can follow up with them later. ("Very targeted prospects" translates into the "glen gary glen ross" golden leads that you remember from that Glen Gary Glen Ross clip).
What I end up with is a list of hundreds of thousands of prospects who want to hear from me about my information and products. All that remains is for me to communicate with my leads, follow up, and of course - the linchpin of the Glen Gary Glen Ross monologue - close them.
Fortunately for me, closing my leads is not the head-banging, arm-twisting, sweat-producing ordeal it is in Glen Gary Glen Ross. I don't have to call up my leads and close them when they don't really want to hear from me at all. In fact, most of my "closing" takes place when I am not even looking - it happens automatically in the background.
Ok, now I know you are shaking your head, thinking: "that's impossible." Well, I am here to tell you that in my world, getting leads and closing leads all happens in the background automatically, after I set up my initial systems, and "press go." If you are not into calling up cold customers and sweating it out to close them (and getting tons of rejections) Glen Gary Glen Ross style, then listen very closely.
You can learn to pull in and close thousands of leads automatically, just like I do, but you have to learn one thing in order to do it. Once you learn this one thing, you, too could "say goodbye" to the high-stress, nail-biting world of Glen Gary Glen Ross, and "say hello" to the world of "set it and forget it" lead pulling, sure-closing systems that run in the background for you day after day.
I mean, Glen Gary Glen Ross is good for a laugh. But who really wants to be those poor guys sitting there, waiting for someone to "hand" them leads? Personally I'd rather be in control. And I am - to the tune of 3 million a year. So eat your heart out, Glen Gary Glen Ross.