Atlanta, GA 3/4/2008 3:50:23 AM
News / Law

Briana Waters Trial Still In Deliberation

The Briana Waters trial was completed Friday, but the deliberation is still ongoing. Waters is accused of arson in the ecoterrorist fire of a building at the University of Washington.

Prosecutors say Waters was the lookout in 2001 when the Earth Liberation Front set fire to the Center for Urban Horticulture on the campus in Seattle.

The fire cost the university $7 million to replace the building.

ELF claimed responsibility for the fire because the organization believed, mistakenly, the center was genetically modifying trees.

Waters testified she had nothing to do with the arson. If convicted she faces 35 years in prison.

The Earth Liberation Front is reportedly responsible for the fire at the "Street of Dreams" development in Woodinville, WA, a suburb of Seattle. A sign was left by the scene of the fires with the letters "ELF" on it.

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