Florida, United States 6/7/2010 10:02:36 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Drug Addiction Can Remain Hidden, Says Narconon

Drug addiction has many factors involved. One of the most serious for a parent or a loved one is the hidden aspect of addiction.

Oftentimes a family member or friend can go on for years with only a few outward signs of addiction occurring. To one untrained, these telltale signs of drug addiction can go overlooked. Narconon, a non-profit drug rehabilitation and education organization, provides information to parents and families on the signs of drug addiction.


Some of the general signs of drug or alcohol abuse involve shunning or avoiding others. There will also be a dramatic shift in the person's behavior toward others or the environment based on your prior experience with the person.


The person addicted to alcohol may have the smell of alcohol on their breath or a heavy use of breath mints, sleeping late, or grouchiness in the morning and throughout the day.


Other drugs, such as prescription drugs, give the appearance of slurred speech, the person appears to be intoxicated, they have droopy eyes or unwanted sleep episodes such as falling asleep at dinner, etc.


Each drug has its own telltale signs of abuse. It is important not only for teachers, parents and adults to know the signs of drug abuse but to talk with teens about drug and alcohol use before it becomes a problem. This is where Narconon can help. Narconon offers drug education to schools and groups and information pamphlets that explain the effects of drugs on the body and mind in a way that can be clearly understood by teenagers and children of all ages.


Drug education is just one of the services Narconon offers. Narconon has been around since 1964 and has a long history of effectively rehabilitating drug addicts and putting them on the road to permanent recovery from addiction. Narconon’s rehabilitation program has probably the highest success rate from drug addiction over other methods. 


The Narconon program addresses drug addiction from all facets, mental and physical. They not only have a program that safely flushes the harmful toxins from drug abuse from the body, but they have exercises and drills and education materials that provide the drug addict with real life skills to handle the areas in life that lead to their addiction.


Knowing the signs of drug abuse is the first step toward confronting the problem of addiction. It saves lives by getting a person the help they need before the addiction completely ruins them.


If you would like more information on Narconon or the signs of drug abuse, contact Narconon today at 877-237-3307.