Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 6/8/2010 4:18:12 AM
News / Law

What you may not know about a DUI charge

You could possibly get out of a DUI easily

A DUI, or Driving Under the Influence, charge is one of the most difficult infractions to beat. With thousands of new cases occurring each day, there is a growing need for DUI lawyers. There are many things people may not know about DUI charges and it is lack of knowledge that has led to many drivers incurring expensive fines and having their records permanently tarnished.

Did you know that when a person is charged with a DUI and arrested, they are actually getting charged with two different offenses? The first is the obvious criminal offense of driving while intoxicated and the second is a form of administrative action taken against the offender by the DMV to have their driving privileges revoked.

The criminal aspect of the charge is dealt with through the court system while the administrative charge is handled by the DMV only. For this reason, it is imperative that those who receive DUI charges contact a DUI lawyer immediately and request a DMV hearing.

If you are in fact removed of your driving privileges, in order to have them reinstated, you have to carry a high-risk policy called the SR22 insurance, a form that is filed by your insurance with the DMV. The details of the policy are handled with your insurance company.

Having a top DUI lawyer representing you will mean the difference between having to pay expensive fines and possibly face jail time as opposed to having your charges dropped or lowered. Many people attempt to handle a DUI infraction on their own and end up losing the battle. Since a DUI lawyer specializes in the laws of their respective counties or states, they will know what the best course of action to take will be and will not waste any time in contacting courts, the DMV, insurance companies and law enforcement officers in order to get the charges dismissed.