Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 6/8/2010 4:21:55 AM
News / Law

How to select a top mesothelioma lawyer

Finding the right mesothelioma lawyer is your best interest

Each year, over 2,500 cases of mesothelioma cancer are uncovered in the United States alone. The deadly cancer, resulting from exposure to the mineral asbestos, has claimed the lives of millions. While it can take up to 50 years for symptoms of mesothelioma to develop, it only takes twelve months for a victim’s life to be taken by the cancer. Finding a mesothelioma lawyer to help seek medical care and obtain compensation is imperative when you are racing against the clock. But with so many attorneys to choose from, how do you know which mesothelioma lawyer is right for you?


Start by looking at a mesothelioma lawyer’s credentials. How much experience have they had in the field and how many years have they been in practice. While many lawyers dabble in different areas, it’s important to select an attorney that focuses solely on mesothelioma cases and knows the ins and outs of the medical field and is knowledgeable about mesothelioma symptoms and treatment. Be sure to check how many cases they have won and how much was awarded in settlement to their clients. A typical settlement is around $1 million dollars. Don’t settle for inexperienced mesothelioma lawyers who have poor success rate.


You should also ask to see what services a potential mesothelioma lawyer will offer. Some attorneys do not represent clients themselves, allocating the case to understudies or referring them to other firms. Be sure that your mesothelioma lawyer is willing to sit down with you and explain the process of the claim from beginning to end. A top mesothelioma lawyer will take care of everything themselves, from contacting previous and current employers, to calling insurance companies, to setting up doctor’s visits.


When time is crucial, having a reputable mesothelioma lawyer on your side will mean the difference between obtaining your maximum benefits and health care to paying out of pocket for exorbitant medical and legal fees .