Atlanta, Ga. 3/6/2008 5:44:33 AM
News / Law

Mother and Daughter Convicted of Keeping Haitian Teen as Slave

A Florida mother and daughter were convicted on Tuesday of holding a Haitian teenager as their slave for six years.


According to the prosecutor Evelyn Theodore and her daughter, Maude Paulin, held Simone Celestin against her will and subjected her to physical abuse when work was not completed to their satisfaction.


The jury agreed and found that the two had conspired to violate Celestin’s Thirteenth Amendment rights.


Now 22, Celestin told the court that she often thought of suicide and was forced to sleep on the floor and bath from a bucket while being held by the two.


Paulin was also found guilty of harboring an illegal alien for financial gain. Her ex-husband and mother were found guilty of harboring an illegal alien.


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