Atlanta, GA 3/6/2008 6:05:31 AM
News / Law

Al Gore To Be Sued by Weather Channel Founder

Weather Channel founder John Coleman called global warming a fraud on Wednesday and  wants to sue former Vice President Al Gore for his promotion of the phenomena.

Coleman says the station he founded needs to stop telling people what to think about climate change.

The Business and Media Institute reports Coleman was a speaker at the Heartland Institute's Climate Change Conference in New York. Coleman was referencing what some call the Weather Channel's global warming alarmism.

One of its meteorologists suggested two years ago that weathercasters who have doubts about global warming should lose their certification. Coleman advocates suing people who sell carbon credits, including Al Gore, because the attention in the courts could "put some light on the fraud of global warming."

Coleman also mentioned that billions of dollars are being made over global warming and that is indeed the impetus for the alarmism associated with it.

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