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Social Networking Sites and SEO

Digital Age Marketing Group

After getting all your keywords and phrases down pat, after updating your content daily to make sure you consistently rank high and after endless hours of researching competitors, you may think you have all your SEO needs covered. Think again.


We live in a predominantly Internet driven world. The need to stay up to date with your Web site and keep a heavy flow of traffic to your site is a must. But there is much more involved in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques than you may think. Beyond the written content on your Web site, you need to consider alternative ways to reach out to customers. By using social media sites, your company will have the extra advantage over competitors.


Social networking has become increasingly popular over the last few years. With sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter - just to name a few - expanding your company’s horizons through face-to-face meetings has become a thing of the past. Just think of how many people you can reach Online, where is in real life, you are extremely limited.


Start by setting up an account and creating links back to your Web site. Make sure the page is professional and offers contact information and credentials. People want to make sure you are who you are so the more experienced you come off as, the better for your revenue. You may post SEO strategized blogs about your company or write keyword-rich articles keeping readers up to date with you products and services.  There are really no limits to what you can do.


Another benefit to using social networking sites to get your site ranked higher is time. By settling up a profile on one or more of these sites, your visitors can find you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will have unlimited exposure Online, allowing more people to visit your pages.


You may also get many referrals. Popularity for a site is largely due to word of mouth spread. Through social networking sites, friends of friends may come to your page and you might find additional clients in a much faster time frame and in greater quantity than if you just left your site alone or limited your exposure.