Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 6/9/2010 4:42:09 AM
News / Law

Man attacks driver after car crash

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OCEAN CITY – A Pennsylvania resident was arrested after attacking a Pittsville resident following a car crash.


Jason P. Mackulin, 29, is reported to have punched Hubert R. Burchette, 66, on his face and head while Burchette was still inside his vehicle after a car collision.

Reports indicate that on Monday, June 7, around 4:30 a.m., Mackulin collided with Burchette near the intersection of Route 611 and Sunset Avenue. Mackulin then approached Burchette’s vehicle and began to beat him while he was still inside his car.


Police shortly arrived at the scene and Mackulin was still attacking Burchette at that time. Mackulin was arrested and given a breathalyzer test which showed his alcohol content to be above the legal limit.


Mackulin was charged with first and second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and driving under the influence.


Two men, Jacob C. Hess, 22, of Spring Grove, Pa., and Phillip K. Henderson, 23, of Inwood, W.Va., who were passengers in Mackulin’s car were also arrested after allegedly fleeing the scene of the accident. They were charged with failing to obey a lawful order and obstructing and hindering. Neither Hess nor Henderson attacked Burchette and were released.


Burchette was taken to Atlantic General Hospital with minor wounds.

There was no mention of either parties acquiring an accident attorney for legal representation nor mention of an impending court date.


After being involved in any type of accident, those parties may be eligible for compensation for any injuries or property damage. It is crucial to contact an accident attorney to see the full extent of the benefits you may be entitled to receive.