Denver, CO 3/10/2008 10:48:59 PM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Reports Mine Safety and Health Administration's Reduction of Asbestos Permissible Exposure Allowances by Nearly 95 Percent, the number one resource for everything legal on the Web, recently reported reduced asbestos exposure allowances for mine workers. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) lowered the permissible exposure limits (PEL) from 2 asbestos fibers per cubic centimeter of air (f/cc) during an eight hour, time weighted average (TWA) full shift to 0.1 f/cc at all metal/nonmetal mines, surface coal mines and surface areas of underground coal mines. The new limits could mean that more asbestos fibers were being inhaled into miners' lungs, with a potential increase in the number of mesothelioma diagnosis reports among workers. To learn more details about PEL and asbestos limits, readers may want to contact a mesothelioma lawyer who can provide details on these new limits and rules. Mesothelioma is a rare and deadly form of lung cancer that is caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers and asbestos dust, which crystallize in the lung.

Asbestos was predominately mined in the mid-20th Century because of its use as insulation for homes, schools, government buildings, universities and office buildings. It has also appeared in other products including vinyl flooring. Many individuals who mined vermiculate, which is the predominate mineral that asbestos is derived from, were unaware of their cancerous conditions until years after work in the mines or work where asbestos was inhaled. Mesothelioma cancer takes several years and even decades to develop and is largely misdiagnosed because of its similarities in symptoms to other diseases. Individuals who have been diagnosed with the cancer should contact an experienced
mesothelioma law firm to learn about potential compensation for medical bills that can be received when filing and developing a mesothelioma lawsuit.

These new lower limits will take effect on April 29. And while MSHA agrees with earlier findings from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that felt "there is a remaining risk of material impairment of health or functional capacity" at this level, the MSHA feels that the allowance is a practical lower limit and they will continue to monitor workers' health. However, in a study from the MSHA of 207 mines during a seven-year period, beginning in 2000, at least 29 mines had one or more individuals exposed to a TWA fiber concentration exceeding this limit. To that the agency felt that "these operators may have to take corrective action," the ruling read. For those who will be affected by this new ruling it is advisable to contact a
mesothelioma attorney to better understand the legal ramifications of this new ruling.

LegalView offers the most up-to-date news on mesothelioma and asbestos as well as on additional legal and medical issues affecting millions of Americans each year. Additional topics include information on Baxter's Heparin, Trasylol Aprotinin and Chantix. Heparin, manufactured by the Baxter Healthcare Corporation, is a blood-thinning agent used during surgical procedures such as heart surgery. Medical professionals have been using Heparin since the 1930s, but most recently sales were halted and a
Heparin recall occurred because of alleged serious allergic reactions to the injection of the drug in patients during surgery. To learn more about this visit,

Similar to Heparin are Trasylol and Chantix in that both are prescription drugs, which have recently come under fire for controversial side effects. Trasylol is used to control blood clotting during surgical procedures but has been discovered by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be linked to serious
Trasylol reactions among patients. Chantix is a smoking cessation drug that has been linked to nearly 40 suicides among those taking the prescription drug, according to press reports. Additionally, Chantix side effects can include psychotic behaviors, suicidal tendencies and depression, according to the FDA. Medical professionals are advising patients of Chantix who experience any of the above side effects to decrease use of the drug and contact a healthcare provider immediately.

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