Atlanta, GA 3/11/2008 10:41:05 PM
News / Law

Salvia Divinorum, Considered "New Marijuana", To Be Illegal in Florida

Florida state legislators are considering a ban on salvia divinorum, considered to be the new marijuana. Salvia divinorum is a hallucinogenic herb that is inexpensive, easy to obtain and as powerful as LSD.

Florida state Representative Mary Brandenburg introduced a bill to make possession of salvia divinorum a felony that is punishable by up to five years in prison. State Senator Evelyn Lynn, whose committee plans to study the salvia bill Tuesday, says the drug should be criminalized.

Salvia divinorum, whose plant is native to Oaxaca, Mexico, is generally smoked but can also be chewed or made into a tea and drunk.

Salvia is a natural herb that is showing up on local school campuses. It is smoked through a bong and the effects kick in immediately.

According to a Clemson University fact sheet, there are 900 types of salvia.

Florida is not the only state is contemplating making salvia divinorum a felony. One teen in Delaware killed himself because of Salvia, sparking a lot of attention in the state about the drug and its effects. New York and Alaska state lawmakers have begun formulating legislation to make criminalize the herb.

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