Atlanta, GA 3/12/2008 4:52:26 AM
News / People

Admiral William Fallon Resigns As Head of CentCom

Admiral William Fallon resigned as head of U.S. Central Command, also known as CentCom, on Tuesday.

Fallon was the first Navy four-star to head CentCom, the central command of the U.S. troops in Middle East, which includes Afghanistan and Iraq.

Fallon resigned abruptly after an interview in Esquire magazine entitled “The Man Between War and Peace” appeared online Tuesday. Fallon expressed his differences with President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Fallon was also rumored to be at odds with General David Petraeus. 

"The present situation is causing embarrassment and the perception in public opinion of the differences between my point of view and those of the Administration, and the possible damage taht this has caused, have made this the right decision to reach", wrote Fallon in his resignation letter, according to Defense Secretary, Robert Gates.

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