Atlanta, Ga. 3/12/2008 11:03:12 PM
News / Law

Spitzer Resigns, David Paterson to Assume Role as Governor of New York

Eliot Spitzer gave a brief news conference shortly before noon on Wednesday in which he announced his resignation as governor of New York following the recent revelation that he had been involved in a prostitution ring.


With his wife, Silda Wall Spitzer, at his side the 48-year-old stated “the remorse I feel will always be with me.”


Spitzer noted “too whom much is given, much is expected” and he recognized that he had failed to live up to those standards expected. The governor “sincerely” apologized to his family and New Yorkers for falling short and announced that Lieutenant Governor David Paterson would assume the office of Governor effective Monday, March 17.


On Monday the Political world received the shocking news that Spitzer had been involved in a prostitution ring and over the course of the next few days it was discovered that his transgression had been going on for several years and involved several thousands of dollars.


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