Dallas, Texas 3/15/2008 4:04:51 AM
News / Law

North Carolina Divorce Lawyer gives vacation tips for divorced parents

Gailor Wallis & Hunt

While planning for vacations such as spring break, divorced parents need to be patient and diplomatic, and should have a feeling of respect and mutual understanding. Here are some tips that will make the vacations enjoyable for every one:

• Try to plan a schedule in which both Mom and Dad are allowed to spend the entire day with the children. You can plan to spend alternate days with the children, instead of flipping roles every morning and evening.
• Whatever schedule you make, try to stick to it. Make sure to arrive and drop off the children timely.
• If you are not with the children on their birthday or a special day, don’t forget to send them card or an e-mail, and you can also consider to celebrate the birthday on the previous or the next day.
• If the children are spending the day with you, do not restrict them from talking to the other parent.
• Remember not to complain about the other parent in front of the children. This will only create a nuisance for the child. If the other parent does not want to co-operate with you, then let them be and move ahead with your plan.
• You should not in any case hinder the child’s enjoyment. If the children want to bring in something from the other parent’s home, then allow them to, and also allow them to take it back.
• Do not nag to attend the children’s birthday party at your ex-spouse’s home. You can give a party on your own on some other day.
• If the children want to buy a gift or a card for the other parent, then do not discourage them, but help them in finding the good one. Remember that by doing this, you are not helping the other parent, but your own child.


For more information, contact the law office of a North Carolina divorce lawyer