Los Angeles 3/15/2008 4:19:13 AM
News / Education

American Prison Consultants - 1 In Every 100 Adults Behind Bars

For the first time in history more than one in every 100 adults in America are in jail or prison—a fact that significantly impacts state budgets without delivering a clear return on public safety.  According to a new report released on February 28, 2008, by the Pew Center on the States’ Public Safety Performance Project, at the start of 2008, 2,319,258 adults were held in American prisons or jails, or one in every 99.1 men and women, according to the study.  During 2007, the prison population rose by more than 25,000 inmates.  In addition to detailing state and regional prison growth rates, Pew’s report, One in 100: Behind Bars in America 2008, identifies how corrections spending compares to other state investments, why it has increased, and what some states are doing to limit growth in both prison populations and costs while maintaining public safety.

"If the incarceration rate keeps going at the pace it is now, sometime in the near future, half the people in America will be incarcerated, and the other half of the peoplewill be employeed to watch them," predicted former Federal Inmate Larry Levine, founder of prison consulting firm American Prison Consultants.

As prison populations expand, costs to states are on the rise.  Late last year alone, states spent more than $49 billion on corrections, up from $11 billion 20 years before.   However, the national recidivism rate remains virtually unchanged, with about half of released inmates returning to jail or prison within three years.  And while violent criminals and other serious offenders account for some of the growth, many inmates are low-level offenders or people who have violated the terms of their probation or parole.

The report found that:

• 1 in 9 black men between the ages of 20 and 34 is behind bars
• 1 in 30 men between the ages of 20 and 34 is behind bars
• 1 in every 53 adults in their 20's is behind bars
• 1 in 100 black women in their mid-to-late 30's is behind bars

The U.S. holds more prisoners than any other country in the world and prisons are on average the 5th largest budget item, behind health, elementary/secondary education, higher education and transportation