Fort Lauderdale, Fl 6/15/2010 4:03:58 AM
News / Law

Activist arrested after receiving DUI infraction

BALTIMORE, Maryland - An Annapolis activist and director of the Office of Civil Rights for the attorney general's office was arrested on DUI offenses.


Carl O. Snowden, 55, was arrested after a police officer saw his car swirving in traffic while on Route 97 in Crownsville around 1:30 a.m. After being stopped, the officer noticed that Snowden smelled of alcohol and when questioned, Snowden revealed that he had one drink before driving.


Afterwards, the officer asked Snowden to perform three sobriety tests, which he did not pass. He was then arrested and given a breathylyzer  test which showed a level of .09 percent.



Among the charges against him were driving under the influence of alcohol and driving while impaired by alcohol. This was Snowden’s third DUI arrest since 2002.



It is unclear as to whether Snowden has hired a DUI attorney to help with the charges. A DUI is one of the toughest infractions to beat, especially when you try to handle it on your own. A skilled DUI attorney will file a claim for you and investigate the charges to ensure that  you were unjustly charged.


Time is of the essence when getting, assistance for you DUI infraction. Don’t let time go by, you could be losing compensation for your cliam. A top DUI attorney will work hard to get you the benefits you deserve. Without the proper legal representation, you may end up having your license suspended or revoked, your vehicle impounded, and even face prison time.Contact an acclaimed DUI lawyer today to get help for your infraction.