Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 6/17/2010 4:31:57 AM
News / Law

Immigration lawyers in Arizona fear that new immigration law will lead to problems in the court system

ARIZONA - Arizona’s courts could be facing numerous legal issues due to the new anti-illegal immigrant law in the state.

Immigration lawyers in Arizona fear that the state court systems will likely be facing many more legal issues due to the new immigration law regarding illegal immigrants. They believe the law is going to cause more problems than it will potentially solve.


According to the new Arizona state law, police officers can question suspected criminals as to whether or not they are residing legally in the state.

In addition, the law also states that if a police officer does not ask the suspect about their status or fails to enforce the law, then they could be sued by any resident of Arizona. This is going to lead to even further problems in court.

Immigration attorneys believe that this is going to create numerous problems both for legal and illegal immigrants, leading to court cases over their rights. Violence is escalating in the state and many immigrant families have nowhere to turn to for help.


Immigration lawyer Maria Jones told spoke regarding the matter, saying: “We already have a backlog of cases…I think it's going to triple."


Although many immigration lawyers are available in the state for immigrants to turn to, many are scared to reveal their status and do not seek any help, making matters worse. Some have chosen to hide and hope that they will not be discovered while others are fleeing town.

Sentiments in Arizona suggest that many more immigrants are going to be moving out of the state to somewhere that they feel they have more rights. Discrimination is increasing in the state and protests are leading immigrants to fear for their safety.