Atlanta, GA 3/20/2008 3:45:05 AM
News / Law

Clinton Library Released Hillary Clinton First Lady Schedule

The William J. Clinton Presidential Library released on Wednesday more than 11,000 pages of schedules from Sen. Hillary Clinton's time in the White House.

The records document her day-to-day activities through virtually all eight years of President Bill Clinton's administration, including private meetings, public speeches, social engagements and trips.

The records were released in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed last summer by Judicial Watch.

The Clinton campaign requested that Sen. Barack Obama release his schedule log from his time as Illinois State Senator as well.

The library is still reviewing another 20,000 pages of material that includes telephone logs.

The 11,046 pages released Wednesday cover Clinton's schedule for 2,888 days in the White House, nearly the entire time she was first lady. The library said it initially found no schedules for 32 days in the files.

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