Atlanta, GA 3/21/2008 2:54:48 AM
News / Nature

Eagle Ray Leaps on Boat and Kills Woman

An eagle ray leaped onto a boat and killed a woman on deck. The woman and her family were in the Florida Keys on Thursday when the freak accident happened.

The eagle ray leapt onto the boat and its barb pierced the woman, causing her to fall back and hit her head. An agent of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said it is unclear is the woman died of the eagle ray’s barb or of the fall.


“It’s a bizarre accident,” said agent Jorge pino. “A large ray jumped out of the water and collided with the victim and somehow the barb penetrated some part of her body, which caused her to fall back and hit her head on some portion of the vessel. We don’t know exactly which one of those things caused her death.”


Eagle rays can grow more than 8 feet wide. They live in warm and tropical waters and often jump out of the water.


“All rays leap out of the water from time to time but certainly to see one collide with a vessel is extremely unusual,” Pino added.


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