Atlanta, Ga. 3/21/2008 3:15:10 AM
News / Law

Police Arrest Crane Inspector in Manhattan East Side Disaster

The buildings inspector responsible for reviewing the safety of the crane that broke away from a construction site in Manhattan’s East Side and collapsed into an apartment building killing seven people has been arrested after it was discovered he falsified reports.


Edward Marquette admitted that he never inspected the crane despite filing reports indicating that he had on March 4. Less than two weeks after that date the crane collapsed, killing six construction workers and a woman who had been visiting a friend for St. Patrick’s Day.


Marquette had been told to visit the site and inspect the crane following concerns that the large piece of equipment hadn’t been properly secured. According to Marquette’s report he inspected the crane and everything was up to standard.


The site was inspected again on March 14, the day before the Saturday collapse, and the report once again indicated that safety precautions had been properly met.


Seven people died from the accident and another 24 were injured, eight remain in the hospital.


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