Atlanta, Ga. 3/21/2008 9:58:54 PM
News / Law

Disney World “Line Rage” Could Land Woman in Prison 15 Years

An Alabama woman visiting the Magic Kingdom last May could be facing up to 15 years in prison following a case of “line rage” at the Mad Tea Cup ride.


Aimee Krause has alleged that Victoria Walker walked up behind her and her kids and accused them of cutting in line. Krause denied that she had cut but Walker allegedly became enraged and, according to Krause, “Next thing I knew she kicked me in my left leg, threw me to the ground and at that point I was pinned between the teacup and the saucer and she continued to beat up on my body.”


Krause has claimed that she suffered numerous injuries related to the attack including a closed head injury that has left her with permanent brain damage.


On Monday Walker refused to accept a plea deal that would have given her a one-year jail sentence. Since that refusal additional charges were added and now Walker is facing 15 years. Jury selection is expected to begin in April.


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