Atlanta, Ga. 3/24/2008 11:41:02 PM
News / Law

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Facing Obstruction of Justice, Perjury Charges

Embattled Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is now facing obstruction of justice and perjury charges that could force the 37-year-old elected leader from office and into a jail cell if he is found guilty.


Kym Worthy, Wayne County Prosecutor, read the 12-count indictment on Monday morning citing Kilpatrick’s involvement in several instances of lying under oath, misconduct in office and obstruction of justice.


At the heart of the indictment is the charge that Kilpatrick lied under oath when questioned about his relationship with his former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty. Kilpatrick had denied a romantic relationship existed yet several thousand text messages between the two have indicated otherwise.


Kilpatrick could be facing up to 15 years for the charge of perjury and if convicted would mean the end of his mayoral run.  Beatty is also facing numerous charges related to perjury and obstruction of justice.


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