Atlanta, GA 3/25/2008 2:04:21 AM
News / Law

Kwame Kilpatrick and Christine Beatty Face Felony Charges

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his former Chief of Staff have been charged with perjury and obstruction of justice in their sex scandal. Both swore under oath that they had no sexual relations, but sexually explicit text messages later surfaced that contradicted their claims.

In the 12 count indictment, prosecutor Kym Worthy charged both Kilpatrick and Beatty with multiple counts of perjury, misconduct in office and obstruction of justice. Both must turn themselves in by Tuesday morning.


“Even children understand that lying is wrong. Witnesses must give truthful testimony,” said Worthy.


Kilpatrick’s extramarital affair with Beatty was first investigated last August after police officers said the mayor retaliated against them for their role in the investigation. In their testimony’s, Beatty and Kilpatrick denied being romantically involved. In January, The Detroit Free Press reported that the pair exchanged sexual text messages that indicated they were having an affair. Beatty resigned as chief of staff on January 28.


On January 30, Kilpatrick and his wife Carlita Kilpatrick issued a statement about the situation. The mayor apologized to the city and to “my entire family, and specifically to the four people I love most in this word,” his wife and three sons.


Kilpatrick has refused to resign and says he is looking forward to “complete exoneration.”


“This has been a flawed process from the beginning. I look forward to complete exoneration,” he said.


“Let me be clear: I would never quit on you. Ever. We’ve got a lot of work to do, and with your help, I’m going to continue to lead this city in getting the work done,” he added.


If convicted, Kilpatrick and Beatty face up to 15 years in prison.


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