Port St. Lucie 4/8/2008 2:35:00 AM
News / Education

New Self-Assessment Test Helps Addicts Decide when to Begin Treatment

Port St. Lucie, Florida April 7, 2008 – This week Ambrosia Drug Addiction treatment Center is featuring its new 12-point addiction self-assessment test. Some questions a potential addict should ask her or himself are:

Do I try to get extra drinks or buy more of my drug of choice on credit?

Have I wished people would stop talking about my drinking or drug use?

Do I have blackouts-times I cannot remember?

Ambrosia Drug Rehab developed this preliminary test to help addicts begin to make the connection between their addiction and the effects it may have on day-to-day life. This preliminary test is roughly equivalent to a self-breast exam. It is something that any regular user should consider often and if they ever begin to start answering “yes” to any of these questions it might be time to consult a professional.

“Of course there are many other factors that contribute to addiction and indeed this preliminary self-assessment is just scratching the surface. If there is ever even a chance that yourself or a loved one may be an addict we always encourage a quick phone call. Sometimes all it takes is a professional to put some perspective on your situation.” – Paul Geller,

Ambrosia Addiction Treatment and Drug Rehab Programs are offered to addicts and their families nation wide. If you or a loved one has any question about addiction treatment whatsoever please be safe and call: 1-866-616-0069