Atlanta, Ga. 3/26/2008 9:39:06 PM
News / Law

Parachute Possibly Used by D.B. Cooper Discovered in Southwest Washington

Children playing outside their home in the southwest Washington town of Amboy may have uncovered a key piece of evidence that has eluded the FBI for more than 35 years.


The children unearthed a parachute that may have been used by famed hijacker D.B. Cooper, the man who commandeered a Northwest Orient flight in November 1971 claiming to have a bomb. Cooper allowed the plane to land and released the passengers after securing $200,000 in ransom and a flight to Mexico. It is then believed that Cooper parachuted from that flight near the WashingtonOregon border.


Authorities never found Cooper and the case has gone unsolved since that day but now they may have a break. It appears that the parachute found by the children bears similarities to the chute that Cooper may have used that night.


The FBI is now analyzing the chute and hoping to find evidence that it belonged to Cooper.


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