Atlanta, Ga. 3/26/2008 10:39:06 PM
News / Law

11-Year-Old Girl Dies after Parents Opt for Prayer Over Medicine

Police in Wisconsin are investigating the death of 11-year-old Madeline Neumann following her parent's revelation that they had placed their faith in prayers over medicine as a means of treating the girl’s diabetes.


According to an autopsy report Neumann died from diabetic ketoacidosis, a treatable disease yet her parent’s refused to take her to the hospital, insisting prayer would restore her health.


Reports have indicated that Neumann had been sick for about 30 days as her body’s insulin level continued to drop. Relatives in California called police said they were concerned for the girl. Police took the girl to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.


According to the parents “they didn’t have enough faith.”


The police continue to investigate the situation and the parents could be facing charges in the death of their daughter.


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