Atlanta, Ga. 3/27/2008 10:03:59 PM
News / Law

Eliot Spitzer Being Linked to Kristin “Billie” Davis and “Wicked Models,” a Second Prostitution Ring

According to the New York Post disgraced former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has been linked to a second prostitution ring, this one called “Wicked Models.”


“Wicked Models,” headed by Kristin “Billie” Davis, was busted on Tuesday by Manhattan police. Davis was believed to have earned several million dollars from a lengthy list of clients, one of whom was Spitzer.


It has been nearly two weeks since Spitzer resigned as governor following the revelation that he had been using the services of Emperors Club VIP, a high-priced prostitution ring that had been previously busted.


Kristin “Billie” Davis, 32, was arrested on Monday and is currently being held on $2 million bail.


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