Atlanta, Ga. 3/28/2008 12:50:43 AM
News / Law

Multiple Shooters Believed Responsible for Sniper Attacks in Virginia

Virginia State Police now believe that the shootings that took place along Interstate 64 late Wednesday night were carried out by at least two people.


The shooters hit five vehicles and injured two people yet it was unclear if the injuries were the result of bullet wounds or shattered glass. Police were notified of the shootings and they immediately shut down a 20-mile stretch of the Interstate as they searched for the shooters.


That stretch between Charlottesville and Waynesboro was reopened on Thursday morning.


Police were conducting ballistic tests and processing the scene at which the shootings took place. They have also shied away from calling the shooters “snipers” careful to note that the events may have been carried out by teenagers.


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