Atlanta, Ga. 6/25/2010 1:36:52 AM
News / Law

Pakistani Court Sentences Five Americans to 10 Years in Jail Following Terrorism Conviction

A Pakistani court has sentenced five Americans to ten years in jail after they were convicted of terrorism charges.


According to the court the five men had funded a number of banned militant groups and had been conspiring to carry out terrorist attacks on Pakistani soil. All five, aged 18 to 25, were arrested back in December while in the northeastern city of Sargodha.


Each of the men had been living in Alexandria, Virginia and had not been on any law enforcement agency list prior to their disappearance in November. After one of the families found a farewell video message they contacted authorities and within a month they were picked up in Pakistan.


Authorities found the men to be in possession of maps detailing sensitive locations, leading to the charges of conspiracy to carry out terrorist attacks.


During the trial prosecutors outlined a plan in which the men intended to travel to Afghanistan to fight alongside the Taliban. The men denied the charges, insisting they intended to travel to Afghanistan to work alongside charities.


Despite the convictions the five men will still have a chance to appeal their case before a higher court.


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